Around The World in 80 Days with Andsoforth in Singapore, a theatrical dining experience – Review

Thanks to the boy’s super advance planning for my birthday dinner. I got to travel the world with Andsoforth Singapore, a theatrical themed restaurant dining experience! From London to Japan, we explore different cultures and taste food from all over the world. Instead of the usual restaurant sit down and having a meal. There are …

Around The World in 80 Days with Andsoforth in Singapore, a theatrical dining experience – Review Read More »


Our Golden Village Gold Class Express Experience at Funan Cinema

I have always wondered how Gold Class experience at Golden Village is like but never thought of trying it as it is just too expensive. So when the boy had complimentary Golden Village Gold Class tickets that we could use for either Gold Class Experience or Gold Class cinemas, I was stoked.  So why not, …

Our Golden Village Gold Class Express Experience at Funan Cinema Read More »