Skiing + Noraebang at Sinchon

My arms…feel like its gonna drop off anytime soon. What was the cause of it? Skiing. But i enjoyed it alot :DD
We were supposed to meet at hongdae exit 1 dunking donuts for our tour bus to pick us up at 7.30am. As i stay near SNU station, this meant 20+ minutes of train ride. And last night i didnt sleep much again, i think i went to bed around 2-3am KST, and woke up at 6am KST. I was initially early, left the house extra early around 6.45am. Then went to the 24/7 kimbab store near my goshiwon to buy kimbab as my lunch and breakfast. As a backup, i bought my childhood favourite snacks buttersticks from Paris Baguette last night.
I got my usual kimbab wrapped in egg, bought 2 kimbabs as i was afraid that i would be hungry. Small girl big stomach. Gonna become fat sooner or later T_T
I thought that ill be early but i didnt know that it would take the ahjumma 20minutes to prepare my kimbabs. I wanted to tell the ahjumma to hurry but didnt know whether the word ‘ 빨리’ was the correct word to use or not. So i could only just keep checking my watch and purposely let her notice it to know i was in a rush. I was super anxious when i waited, kept checking the time. tick tock tick tock.
When the ahjumma passed me my kimbab ,she said in a string of sentences, too hard for me to understand. I gave the blank look and she asked,’ are you japanese? ‘ 
Me: no, singaporean (i spoke in broken korean)
she: ahh, i thought you were japanese( my guess of what she was saying cuz i kept hearing her say 일본사람)
After that i ran to catch the subway, was a little late in the end. When i reached, i was panting like mad. But luckily i wasnt the latest. hehehe. Our tour guide spoke english. And our tour bus had to go and pick up more people before we finally set off. I finished my first kimbab as my breakfast. 
First we went to change into our ski suits.
the ski suit rental shop
 I stared at the tour guide in disbelief when she told us that the ski suit is very warm and that we need not wear our winter jackets. But after i wore my ski suits, i realised that she was right. At the shop, there were many designs and colours. Very colourful ski suits. Initially when looked at the vast selection available i was at a loss of what colours to choose. Bright or dull? so i decided to settle on blue, since it looks rather nice. At first my gloves were black but it was too big for me so i had it changed for a smaller one, and my gloves were pink. 
Our tour guide told us that we wouldnt feel too restrained in our movement if we remove our jeans and just wear the ski pants. Now that i beg to differ, i wore my pants over my jeans and it still feel alright. Not much difference. 
Next we went to Elysian Gangchon Ski Resort 
we were given our ski shoes and equipments. My size was 230, and the shoe was still a little big but i could make do with it. My equipment….it was distinctly smaller than the rest. Kids’ equipment *sheepish*
We placed our bags in the lockers, its one-time use lockers.Each time you need to use 2x500won coins. Fret not if you dont have the coins as they have machines for you to insert 1000won note to change it into coins. I shared a locker with George. 
After that , our ski /tour guide taught us how to ski
learning to ski
After which, we were left on our own to ski. and the fun began!
getting ready to ski!
the ski boots are super heavy.
george looking relaxed
peering at our unique snowman hahahah , my first ever snowman!!!!:DDD
sinlin w jomaine(:
 I had my 2nd kimbab for lunch while the rest ate at the canteen. Everything was so overpriced! Glad that i brought kimbab, it was cold but still ok. Not saying that it taste yummy when cold. But at least it filled my stomach. carbohydrate is my best friend.
Ski again! 
tired after skiing down. walking up the slope is tiring cuz the equipments and boots are very heavy. You will enjoy skiing down but dread going up.
it wasnt cold when i lie on th snow. The suit was very very warm.
All too soon our time was up and we had to return back to Seoul. Nontheless i was quite relieved that time was up as i was worn out from it. While on the bus back, the ache came and my limbs were all hurting. It reminds me that ive grown old T_T

Ratings: 5/5

Review: Our ski guide was experienced and more than enough time was given to us to ski.  We didnt try the ski lift as Gina’s friend tried it at another resort and she didnt enjoy the experience. When i saw it, it looked too scary for me. It was more suitable for intermediate level. Quite dangerous for beginners. Furthermore, it was a little pricey, 50k won for ski lift that was unnecessary for us.

The ski ticket was 50k on per person with Pick-up & Drop service , Transportation, Guide, Admission fee, Ski gears( ski/poles/boots) &gloves rental, Beginner ski lesson included. Only lunch wasnot included and that explains why i bought 2 kimbabs. 

Ski suit rental: 15k won (optional)
Ski goggles: 10k won(optional)
So altogether i spent 75k won on my ski trip! *satisfied* 

For more information, please visit HERE OR Seoul Ski Tour.

If you want to go for the ski tour that i went, its ‘ S-3 : Beginner Ski Tour ‘ , can contact Inha Hwang.
ill just copy and paste part of the email here for your reference, hope it helps. 

SeoulNtour Co., Ltd.
433 Yongbieocheonga, 36 Saemunanro 3-Gil, Jongno-Gu, Seoul
SEOUL 110-070 Rep. of KOREA
TEL: +82-2-738-1170
FAX: +82-2-738-1114
We were dropped off at the ginseng shop, the same ginseng shop where we were dropped off after our DMZ tour previously. I bought a packet of ginseng sweets for my parents hehe no money buy those powder. 
Then i requested to be dropped off Sinchon as i would be meeting Fion at sinchon after her exam. See! Yonsei exams are different dates from SNU. I never thought that korea universities have exams at different times. My exams have long ended, they ended about 1 week ago. 
While waiting for her, i walked around and saw my kpop bands 
my sunflower namjas
my shuai ge
trying to imitate minhyuk holding a sunflower
Met up with Fion and we went to have stew, she did the ordering i did the eating. Haha no la, we share la. My appetite also not THAT big. But cos i had too much to talk and catch up with, i ate super slow, slow until the ramen became too runny and we both didnt want to eat it. We went to a nearby noraebang after it as we felt it was too early to go home. HAHAHA, the noraebang was quite funny when fion was singing to an upbeat song and i was pretending to be a DJ, moving my hands at the imaginary disk. After that my arms were tired, i was looking for a mic stand so i could put the mic into the stand while i sing then i wouldnt need to use my hands to hold it . unfortunately the mic stand was beside the tv screen so i couldnt use it and i couldnt move it T_T
After the short meetup we left for home, and me to rest. SEE YOU IN SCHOOL FION!!!!:DDDD
Review: Didnt quite like this noraebang cuz it has smoke smell. The cushion had holes on it, apparently burnt by cigarette. Dont have the directions for this cuz i wldnt recommmend you to go.

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0 thoughts on “Skiing + Noraebang at Sinchon”

  1. ur review on the ski tour was really helpful. never knew such tour exists LOL. was planning to go to vivaldi on our own, but still confuse with the transportation. and then we heard about Elysian Gangchon Resort which is closer to seoul (and clear direction as well) and then tadaaa found ur blog, and the seoul ski tour. thank you so much

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