Seoul Forest

Today for our brunch, we went to a nearby shop to eat. It was a eel shop. Because the food is grilled, hence they have those long metal tube protruding from the ceiling to suck the smoke up from the air. Cool invention eh, keep the air clean ^^
Look, yinghui fascinated by the smoke sucker ㅋㅋ
우리 점심

장어, 너무 맛있어요. Its actually Unagi. Super delicious

Marinated Pork and Mackerel

 Stew. cant remember which 찌개
Review: It was 28000won for 4 of us, so each person around 7000won . The eel, mackerel and pork was delicious. I din really eat much of the stew as it was too spicy for me. I would go back there again for the food. Super in love with the eel.
Rating: 5/5

After a sumptuous brunch, we made our way to Seoul Forest. Took the metro and alighted at Tteuksom Station.

To cool ourselves from the scorching sun , Pat and YH bought ice cream to eat. A cool respite.

Love the ribbon on Pat head. Pat sucking on the ice cream. Unique Packing , you seldom see it in Singapore. Wait, i doubt ive ever seen it in sg before.

YH and her chocolate icecream. Reminds me of the old times, during primary school days where i often buy the flavoured ice that was packed in plastic. One had to use a scissors to snip the top before sucking on it. Fortunately hers didnt require any scissors at all and soon she was enjoying her icy treat.

 Here is the route to the Seoul Forest.
First we went to the sculpture park
I like this sculpture the most. the realistic looking pair of hands.
 Quite a big place
 Title of the sculpture is in the following photo
 Never seen this bird before
  Title of the sculpture is in the following photo
 Grace looking at the mirror lake. I was quite excited to find out what is the mirror lake. Thought it would be majestic but never expect it to be a manmade ‘lake’ ,  felt damn cheated by the name. Rather disappointed by it. Initially i thought that the Seoul Forest is something special, not like the usual Bishan  Park, normal park. But upon reaching it, i was kinda disappointed as i felt that it seemed like the usual Park. Dampened my mood a bit. Felt cheated by its description on its website.
 We wandered off  to find a map
 ㅋㅋ  YH took a photo of me while i was snapping a photo of her
 I dont know whats the meaning of the wall, but it was outside the information center.
 The types of plants.
Felt bored by the place, we went to entertain ourselves with the phone booth. Seldom see this kind of booth in singapore.
Staring at the huge map, trying to figure out which attraction we want to go to . We were only in Park 1. And there is 5 Parks. HUGEEEE!
 Saw this at the children woodlands park and we decided to climb it. Freaking easy. But hard when i carried my handbag and climbed with it, couldnt balance properly and kept swinging to the side.
After that, we went down the slope and hehe, relived our childhood moments at the playground, well we are young at heart yo (;
Pat feeling on top of the world hahaha. like a tall
After which , we went to find a tree house that was situated on the hill.
 We brought grapes and it was a little sour. I think because i am used to eating sour fruits at home, it was not as sour as it was for my friends.
 YH’s funny expression when she ate the grapes. ROFL.
HAHA, lika a kid eating sour fruits. the facial expressions.
Saw this metal sculpture
we went to the cafeteria and i saw this dragonfly sculpture.
Some photos we took at the woods, imagine how it would look like when it is in autumn, *imagining *
 Tried to take a clear shot of the sunlight but couldnt. Did not expect that i would require my stronger set of lenses.
 Do you see anything on the tree?  If you saw nothing, go get a new pair of specs. If you did, good for you. HAHA
We went to visit the eco park and see deers!
 After seeing the deers, we walked around randomly and found some place to chill.
YH very cute hor
 I like the sky and the clouds, gorgeous
 Apple garden
 On the way back to the entrance of the Seoul Forest

Now, my perspective of the mirror lake changed. This pic looks gorgeous. I tried rotating the picture in many directions and it awed me.

Review: I think it would be a relatively nice place for nature lovers and deer lovers to go. But those who arent into nature or deers, this would not be a place for you. The place is very huge such that one may get tired of walking before they even reach the attraction that they want to visit.

After that we went to have samgyeopsal for dinner at some neighbouring shops. I cant remember how we found the shop but it was in some alley , at the end of the alley it leads to the ttukseom subway entrance. The shop was in the middle of the alley near a cafe.

interesting painting on the ceiling
 Pat is aspiring to be a housewife ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Review: I dont like to eat roasted pork because of the slimy fats but the korean way of eating it makes the roasted pork nice. With it grilled and dipped in the sauce, it makes it delicious.
Ratings: 5/5 , I would go back again if i see it.
 Omo, a halloween photo of pat!

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