Korean Baseball Match: Doosan Bears vs Dino

In Korea, baseball is the most popular sports. Sports aren’t my style so I don’t keep myself updated on sports news. But, it’s so popular that many Korean pop celebrities are involved in throwing the first pitch for the game.

Hehe, since im here for SEP, so it is definite to watch a baseball match at least once.

My SNU buddy group organised a baseball match session for us so they helped us to buy the tickets.

I went without knowing how the game works. So I barely understood what was happening. Bad move.

at the huge stadium
Excited Jen hopping up and down kekeke
clearing the ticket gantry
beautiful sunset
While making our way up to our seats, there were many stalls selling fan goods. Those baseball shirts, caps,etc. Talk about baseball fans.
our ticket! we were asked to pay 10000won each for the tix, but on the tix, it was stated 9000won, i wonder where the 1000won went
every time a player is preparing to throw the ball, the screen will show his face and his profile and you will hear loud cheers from the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders had a different cheer for every player.
me,yuni and jen!

I did not understand the game so Yuni tried explaining to me while shouting her lungs out cuz it was just so damn noisy. The spectators were really earnest in screaming their lungs out when cheering for their team.

But the moment the female cheerleaders took to the stage during the time break/interval, suddenly there was silence. Eyes captivated on the ladies’ sexy moves. Only at that time, when Yuni spoke at her normal voice tone, i could hear.

Super many spectators( fans)
I snapped a video of them cheering but i think my video was too long so Blogger doesnt allow me to upload it here T_T
the leader of the cheerleading team…I THINK….
cheerleaders strutting their stuff, dancing to kpop, sexxayyee moves .
Aoi, Becci and me ^^
caramel popcorn! pretty yummy!
first row: Barry and Cheu
2nd row: Aoi, Becci,me, Yuni
As we had not had a proper meal before coming to watch the match, so when the couple opened their takeaway dinner boxes, we stared at their food for so long until they noticed us. The lady looked so embarrassed, and so were we.
In the end, the Doosan Bears won. When I looked at the number of fans that Dino has as compared to Doosan Bears, it was quite sad. Dino fans constituted like just 6 rows of seats? Their fanbase is extremely small as compared to Doosan Bears’. Kinda feel sad for them T_T
our winner!
each player making a short speech, we left at this point as we didnt want to squeeze with the crowd at the subway

Korean Baseball Match Review:

I went without knowing how the game works so I did not quite enjoy the game.  I was quite bored and kept checking my phone to entertain myself since it was too noisy to even chit chat. So if you were to go and is a baseball noob like me, please at least understand how the game works before going. The game was one of the shortest matches according to the Koreans, it was around 3hours long, from 6.30pm till 9.30pm. But they said it was because Dino is one of the lousiest teams while Doosan Bears are one of the best teams so it was not a fierce match.

Where can I buy the tickets online?


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