6 Places to go at Kenting

Transportation in Kenting:
Either you walk/ cab / shuttle bus aka public bus/scooter.

Kenting map

Public bus : Kending Shuttle bus service, which covers most of the places mentioned above.
There are two bus lines, Blue and Red, both starting at Hengchun, but heading in opposite directions. Buses of the red line head north from Hengchun and follow either a western loop with stops at places like the Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium and Maobitou, or an eastern loop that first follows the inland route to Jialeshuei before following the coast south to Eluanbi and then back east to Hengchun via Kending town.
Buses on the blue line follow the same route but start southward from Hengchun headed south.
Tickets are priced NT$20 for the shortest trip (between two stops), with NT$5 added for each successive stop.
day ticket for NT$150 or a 2-day ticket costing you NT$250. During weekends and holidays there is a bus every 20 minutes. During weekdays frequency is one bus every 40 minutes. At each bus stop along the routes the expected arrival time of the next bus is displayed on the bus and the name of the next stop is announced.
1.Water sports

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Review: Kenting is well famous for their water sports. It is super cheap! MUST GO! Very fun!
Directions: Our hostel had this brochure and the hostel owner helped us reserve slots. Then the water park staff fetched us to the beach and after our rides, the staff sent us back. Complimentary! Do bring your toiletries though! There are lockers for you to keep your stuff at the beach.
2. Longpan Park

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Review: It was raining and the wind was very strong, thus my photo of me squatting unglamly . It is a popular place to visit, we saw many tour buses. There were a lot of tourists. But what a pity, darkened skies and thus my gloomy sky photos.
Directions: We were advised to take a cab as there is no bus service from Eluanbi/Kenting National Park to Longpan Park. But we decided to walk as cabbing would be expensive, But halfway while walking, a kind couple decided to send us to the Longpan Park ,so we hitched the ride instead.
3.Kenting National Park
the famous lighthouse

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Review: When i saw the sign’ beware of snakes and bees’, my mood totally sian-ed. I didnt enjoy the park, it felt really lame to me with all the names , like ancient civilisation, the mysterious cave, bleh. The lighthouse was like uh , so- so. I wouldn’t really come back again.
Directions: we took the kenting bus from chuanfanshi to Eluanbi (20mins ride) (there are blue and orange and green line)
4. Chuanfanshih (Rock that looks like Sailing Ship)
Review: Just a place to take photo with the Sailing Ship Rock. OMG I LOVE THE BUILDINGS NEARBY, the architecture are soooo interesting!!!
Directions: We took the kenting bus to ChuanFanShih bus-stop. 20minutes ride.
5. Kenting Main Street
Review: I think Taiwan is famous for their nightmarkets, so can just try the food along the street. I regretted not choosing a hostel here as there is just so much food and stuff to do! Our hostel is far away and not much food available.
Fried Milk
I tried this Fried Milk, its crispy outside but liquid inside, didnt like the taste at all. Not gna try it again
6. Hengchun Gate


Review: Basically, just take photo with it, thats all. HAHAHA we always pass by it whenever we wanted to have our meals as our hostel isn’t near any food outlet.
Directions: Its along the main road.

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